Bernard buffet used a method known as neo-expressionism, and you can find some of this art from www.estades.com. Neo-expressionism is a style in art that shows intense subject characterization and handling of materials. In this article, you will see why the Bernard buffet clown is worth that online purchase.
What you should know about neo expressionism painting
People saw the artist as the clown Bernard buffet. However, from the above definition you have an idea about the work buffet did. The clown Bernard Buffet made showed the subjects originality and its raw form. It uses the original colours that were previously rejected. Since the neo expressionism art was associated with selling and buying the authenticity of the Earth became questionable in the Reagan era. Furthermore, this artistic style accepted historical imagery as opposed to the modern way of art, which mostly embraced the element of storytelling.
Why buy a Bernard buffet clown painting
Bernard buffet had over 8,000 paintings in his lifetime. As you know every painting has its own story and this is contemporary to the paintings that buffet did. From the description of the style used you can now be able to know what you will expect. Here are some of the reasons why you should buy this painting.
1. Originality
From the above ideas you know what neo-expressionism is all about. You can sense the originality of this painting from the intense colours used. Although inspecting a painting can be a tough job, this particular painting can be identified by the kind of canvas used. it is normal to feel paranoid when buying a painting online, this may be due to cases of fraudsters selling fake paintings. Beware of such cases before making a purchase.
2. The story behind the paintings
an artist's work is often reflected through the kind of life they lived. The same goes to Bernard buffet. As much as his life was full of conflict and depression made the community see him as the clown Bernard buffet. The clown paintings reflect a person's mood and attitude in the community and how solitude is part of life.
3. Prestige and price range
It is quite normal for anyone to have the urge to have an original painting in his house. These kinds of paintings always give a sense of self-satisfaction. More so, the price range of the paintings can be a form of investment. Therefore, when you get one of these paintings in your home, you will feel prestigious about it. Since most of these artworks come with a pretty expensive price points, they are a form of statement.
4. Easily accessible
it is not easy to get an original painting, especially one from Bernard buffet. However, these paintings can be accessible through online platforms. It won't be a headache to search for one since these platforms use art agents who are professional.
Although the life story of Bernard buffet is a tragic one, his work has changed the art community completely as it has led to today's art modernization. It is important to preserve historical arts through which we can learn more about the historical times. Through this preservation, we can be able to transform creativity in the arts sector as it entails some intensity and frustration blowing. Take a chance today and save the art through making a purchase online.